check_lm_sensors is a Nagios plugin to monitor the values of on board sensors and hard disk temperatures on Linux systems

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-?, --help      help

-l, --low       specifies a check for a sensor value which is too low.
                    --low fan1=2000,1000
                  will give a warning if the value of the fan1 sensor drops
                  below 2000 RPMs and a critical status if it drops below
                  1000 RPMs

-h, --high      specifies a check for a sensor value which is too high.
                    --high temp1=50,60
                  will give a warning if the value of the temp1 sensor reaches
                  50 degrees and a critical status if it reaches 60 degrees

-r, --range     specifies a check for a sensor value which should stay
                  in a given range.
                    --range v1=1,2,12
                  will give a warning if the value of the sensor gets outside
                  the 11-13 range (12+-1) and a critical status if the value is
                  outside the 10-14 range (12+-2)

--rename        renames a sensor in the performance output (useful if you
                  want to have common names for similar sensors across different
                    --rename cputemp=temp1

--list          list all available sensors

--nosensors     disable checks on check lm_sensors

--nodrives      disable checks on drive temperatures

-d, --drives    enable checks on drive temperature

--hddtemp_bin   manually specifies the location of the hddtemp binary

--sensors_bin   manually specified the location of the sensors binary

-v, --verbose   verbose output

--version       prints $prog_name's version and exits


See Documentation/hwmon/sysfs-interface in the kernel documentation

lm-sensors supports the following sensors


$ check_lm_sensors --high it8718_temp1=20000,30000 --range it8718_in0=100,200,1200 -v
hddtemp found at /usr/bin/hddtemp
Looking for drives in /proc/partitions
found temperature for drive sda (sda = 47)
warning: temperature for /dev/sdd not available
warning: temperature for /dev/sde not available
found sensor k8temp_temp1 (11000)
found sensor k8temp_temp2 (7000)
found sensor k8temp_temp3 (5000)
found sensor k8temp_temp4 (2000)
found sensor it8718_in0 (1152)
found sensor it8718_in1 (0)
found sensor it8718_in2 (3392)
found sensor it8718_in3 (3008)
found sensor it8718_in4 (3024)
found sensor it8718_in5 (3200)
found sensor it8718_in6 (3696)
found sensor it8718_in7 (4016)
found sensor it8718_in8 (3360)
found sensor it8718_temp1 (13000)
found sensor it8718_temp2 (32000)
found sensor it8718_temp3 (58000)
found sensor it8718_fan1 (2288)
found sensor it8718_fan2 (0)
found sensor it8718_fan3 (0)
LM_SENSORS OK - it8718_temp1=13000 it8718_in0=1152|it8718_temp1=13000;20000;30000;; it8718_in0=1152;100;200;;